
Showing posts from September, 2022
Throwback Thursday AA history link - transcript of the first broadcast exposure of AA, from the We The People radio program, April 25, 1939: We Are The People Radio Broadcast Transcript  
  Bill W.'s original 1948 Grapevine article on Tradition Nine:                   The least possible organization, that's our universal ideal.                    No fees, or dues, no rules imposed on anybody, one alcoholic                    bringing recovery to the next; that's the substance of what we                    most desire, isn't it?                   But how shall this simple ideal best be realized? Often a                    question, that.                   We have, for example, the kind of AA who is for simplicity.                    Terrified of anything organized, he tells us that AA is                    getting too complicated. He thinks money only makes trouble,                    committees only make dissension, elections only make politics,                    paid workers only make professionals, and clubs only coddle                    slippers. Says he, let's get back to coffee and cakes by cozy                    firesides. If any alcoholics
Spiritual thoughts for the week: September 25  One Thing At A Time The present moment is never intolerable. It is always what is coming in five minutes or five days that makes people despair. The Law of life is to live in the present, and this applies to both time and place. Keep your attention to the present moment, and in the place where your body is now. Do a fair day's work, and then stop. Overwork is not productive in the long run. Around the Year with Emmet Fox  (Excerpt) September 25 For rest from the care of life, you can turn to God each day in prayer and communion. Real relaxation and serenity come from a deep sense of the fundamental goodness of the universe... Commune with God, not so much for petitions to be granted as for the rest that comes from relying on His will and His purposes for your life.  24 Hours a Day September 26 The Three Gifts I suggest the following three [Ideal gifts]: a good constitution, a good disposition, and horse sense. I think that a child endo
Saturday speaker link - Larie C., "The Keys to the Kingdom:" Larie C. - The Keys to the Kingdom - AA Speaker - YouTube
Throwback Thursday history link - former AA Trustee Bernard Smith's last talk, on the Architect of the Structure of AA: Sat Nite Big Meeting -Bernard Smith Last Talk -"The Architect of the Structure of Our Fellowship" - Recovery Speakers
Tuesday spiritual literature post, from Oneness -Great Principles Shared By All Religions, by Jeffrey Moses: Judge Not Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive and ye shall be forgiven. - Christianity Judge not they neighbor till thou art in his place. - Judaism Judge not thy neighbor. - Buddhism Follow that which is revealed to thee, and persevere with patience until God shall judge; for he is the best judge. - Islam All religions teach that we should love one another, that we should seek out our own shortcomings before we presume to condemn the faults of others... Who are we to judge? - Baha'i Love Your Enemies Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. - Christianity Do not say that if people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them. - Islam Confucious was as
Spiritual thoughts for the week: September 18 Dwell for a moment each day in a secret place, the place of communion with God, apart from th world, and thence receive strength to face the word. Material things cannot intrude upon this secret place, they cannot ever find it, because it is outside the realm of material things. When you abide in this secret place, you are under the shadow of the Almighty. God is close to you in this quiet place of communion. Each day, dwell for a while in this secret place.  24 Hours a Day September 21 In improving our personal lives, we have Unseen help. We are not made so that we culd see God. That would be too easy for us and there would be no merit in obeying Him. It takes an act of faith, a venture of belief, to realize the Unseen Power.... Yet we have much evidence of God's existence in the strength that many people have received from the act of faith, the venture of belief. We are ina box of space and time and we can see neither our souls nor Go
Saturday speaker link - John K on spirituality vs. Religion:
Throwback Thursday history link - an AA pamphlet on the history of The Twelve Traditions: P-17 - A.A. Tradition How It Developed by Bill W. (
From our website, an analysis of the Big Book, Chapter Nine - The Family Afterward: Chapter Nine - The Family Afterward (
Spiritual thoughts for the week:  September 11  Wicked In the Bible the word wicked really means "bewitched" or "under a spell." The Law of Being is perfect harmony, and that ruth never changes, but man uses his free will to think wrongly, and thus he builds up false conditions around him, and then believes them to be real. They look real, and so he forgets that it was he himself who made them, and thus he bewitches himself, or throws himself under a spell; and of course as long as he remains bewitched he has to suffer the consequences. Nevertheless, it is only illusion, or a spell, and it can be broken by turning to God.     Around the Year with Emmet Fox  (Excerpt) September 13  Repentance To repent means, really, to change one's mind concerning something. When a person realizes that a particular action, or a certain line of conduct, or perhaps the whole direction of his life, has been wrong, and honestly resolves to change his conduct, he has repented.  Repen
Saturday speaker link - Mark H. Meditation and Steps 9, 10 and 11: Mark H. on Steps 9, 10 and 11
Throwback Thursday history link - Lela Bell S. and Ebby speaking in 1961: Lela Bell S. and Ebby T. -Great Bend KS -2/21/1961 - Recovery Speakers
  Tuesday spiritual literature post, from the Dhammapada, sayings of The Buddha: 50. Let none find fault with others; let none see the omissions and commissions of others. But let one see one’s own acts, done and undone. 51. Just like a blossom, bright colored but scentless: a  well-spoken word is fruitless when not carried out.  60. Long is the night to the sleepless; long is the league to the weary. Long is worldly existence to fools who know not the Sublime Truth. 61. Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal, let him resolutely pursue a solitary course; there is no fellowship with the fool. 64. Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup. 67. Ill done is that action of doing which one repents later, and the fruit of which one, weeping, reaps with tears. 71. An evil deed, when done, doesn’t—like ready milk— come out right away. It follows the fool, smoldering like a fire hidden i
Spiritual thoughts for the week: September 4 Do not become encumbered by petty annoyances. Never respond to emotional upsets by emotional upset. Try to keep calm in all circumstances. Try not to fight back. Call on the grace of God to calm you when you feel like retaliating. Look to God for the inner strength to drop those resentments that drag you down. If you are burdened by annoyances, you will lose your inward peace and the spirit of God will be shut out. Try to keep peaceful within. 24 Hours a Day September 5 Spiritual progress is the law of your being. Try to see around you more and more of beauty and truth, knowledge and power. Today try to be stronger, braver, more loving as a result of what you did yesterday. This law of spiritual progress gives meaning and purpose to your life. Always expect better things ahead. You can accomplish much good through the strength of God's spirit in you. Never be too discouraged. The world is sure to get better, in spite of setbacks of war,
  Saturday speaker link - An Irish Female Tells Her Story of Recovery in America:
Throwback Thursday AA history link - an academic article on Bill W.'s work with Niacin as a treatment for addiction and depression: Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill W, and Niacin Therapy (