
Showing posts from July, 2024
Tuesday AA literature/history post - Lyn S., author of On What Slender Threads, presents on Tradition Seven from a Historical Perspective: Lyn S. - Tradition Seven From A Historical Perspective
  Saturday AA speaker post - Ella J., "I am Sober, Hear Me Roar!":
  Throwback Thursday AA history post - The six articles published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer in late 1939 led to tremendous growth in Cleveland's AA Group #3, but also got Clarence kicked out: That fall Clarence smuggled freelance reporter Elrick Davis into meetings of that first Greater Cleveland group and Mr. Davis wrote a series of articles on A.A. which were published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. This resulted in over 500 calls for help to be tended by the only 13 active members... Many members were upset by this workload and by the surreptitious manner in which it was done. So they voted Clarence out of A.A. (which was something that could be done at the time).   ( Reprinted from the October 23, 1939, Cleveland Plain Dealer with permission. [3 of 6 articles] Alcoholics Anonymous Makes Its Stand Here by ELRICK B. DAVIS October 24, 1939 Cleveland Plain Dealer In two previous articles, Mr. Davis told of Alcoholics Anonymous, an organization of former drinkers,
  P arallel Passages in the Big Book and 12&12 (Emphasis added): Let’s look at Steps  Eight and Nine . We have a list of all persons we have  harmed and to whom we are willing to make amends.  We made it when we took inventory. We subjected  ourselves to a drastic self-appraisal. Now we go out to  our fellows and repair the damage done in the past.  76 Into Action Every A.A. has found that he can make little headway in this new adventure of living until he first backtracks and really makes an accurate and unsparing survey of the human wreckage he has left in his wake. To a degree, he has already done this when taking moral inventory , but now the time has come when he ought to redouble his efforts to see how many people he has hurt, and in what ways.  77 Step Eight
 Saturday AA speaker post - The legendary Sandy B on AA history and the Third Step:
  Throwback Thursday AA history post - Patrick O'D on AA and it's Christian Roots: Patrick O'D: AA and its Christian Roots
Tuesday AA literature post - A Big Book topic from our online literature study guide at : The Three Asterisks to Read Appendix II There is a solution. Almost none of us liked the self-searching, the leveling of our pride, the confession of shortcomings which the process requires for its successful consummation. But we saw that it really worked in others, and we had come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of life as we had been living it. When, therefore, we were approached by those in whom the problem had been solved, there was nothing left for us but to pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet. We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed. The great fact is just this, and nothing less: That we have had deep and effective spiritual experiences*(Fully explained in Appendix II) which have revolutionized our whole attitude toward life, toward our fellows and tow
  Saturday AA speaker post - Amy S., "Strong Woman, Sober Woman":
Throwback Thursday AA history post - Mitchell K. on "How It Worked: The Story of Clarence Snyder": Mitchell K. on How It Worked: The Story of Clarence Snyder
Tuesday AA literature/history post - A 1945 Grapevine article on Step 7: A.A. Oldtimers…On the Seventh Step A.A. Grapevine, May 1945, Vol. 1 No. 12 Editorial: On the 7th Step “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.” We all know that it is God’s will that we live clean, wholesome lives; that we think clearly and become persons of honest decision. This we know we cannot do until we become our real selves, so, in desperation, we alcoholics revert to prayer. We humbly ask God to remove our shortcomings; to restore us to our natural selves, so that we may think clearly on our problems. Emerson says, “None will ever solve the problem of his character according to our prejudice, but only in his own high unprecedented way.” Character is undoubtedly accumulative, and in removing shortcomings it stands to reason that we are striving to build character. This can be done by observing our errors, and, one at a time, correcting them on the spot. We have a
Throwback Thursday AA history post:   Timelines in AA History – 1937 To 1938 Arthur S., Northeast Texas Area Archives has built upon Archie M’s original Timeline file:   1937  -Bill & New York alcoholics separate Oxford Group, more then 40 alcoholics staying sober; Dr. Silkworth wrote article Medical Record [Alcoholism Manifestation Allergy, Dr. Silkworth called Bill say had prospect, Fitz M. 1st, Hank P. 2nd; Akron & New York Groups authorized Dr. Bob & Bill create over-all services spread A.A. message world-wide; Dr. Anton Carlson with group scientists formed subsidiary body Research Council Problems Alcohol  ( A  vii, 74) ( C  6) ( G  82) ( H  187) ( P  102, 407) ( TC  10) •   Fall  -Dr. Bob & Bill realize 40 alcoholics sober, wonder how to share message, thought of book  ( A  144) ( H  10) •   Summer  -Bill, Hank P., Fitz tried start A.A. Washington & Philadelphia no luck  ( B  263) •   Fall  -Bill’s work Quaw & Foley collapsed economic troubles;
A deep dive into Big Book history - Bill Schaberg, author of Writing the Big Book, discusses the first two forewords: