** Please join our private AA Book Club group on Facebook, read others' Experience, Strength and Hope regarding AA and AA-related literature and share your own. To join, click Read More, then click  HERE  or copy and paste this link:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/462840842665358/  **

We have created a blog to share links to helpful resources on AA literature, history and speakers to those who are eager to learn more. Our original analysis of AA literature can be found at the AA Book Club website/study guide: http://aabookclub.org   To follow us, click on the small icon in the upper left, then click 'Follow'.

If you're in AA and love its literature and history, then you're already a member of the AA Book Club. There are no meetings, but you can be a part of things by using these resources and commenting here on the blog or sending an E-Mail to aa_bookclub@aol.com.

We'd love to hear from you! Please 'Pass It On' to others if you like what you see...


  1. I don’t see a little icon on my screen.

    1. Click on the left arrow at upper left, then click on the three little lines upper left, then hit the Follow button. Hope this helps. - AABC


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