
Showing posts from April, 2022
 Saturday speaker link - Joe A. at the 44th GA State Convention:
  This week's Throwback Thursday history link - a talk by Charlie Brockwell, A.A #6:
  From Oneness - Great Principles Shared By All Religions, by Jeffrey Rosen:  Truth Is Universal All scripture is inspired by God, and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. - Christianity We believe in God, and that which hath been sent down to us, and that which hath been sent down to Abraham... and that which hath been given to Moses and to Jesus, and that which was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them: and to God are we resigned. - Islam Do not decry other sects, do not deprecate others, but rather honor whatever in them is worthy of honor. - Buddhism In varying ways the sages have described The same unvarying and essential truths; There is no real conflict between them all. - Hinduism Truth does not depart from human nature. If what is regarded as truth departs from human nature, it may not be regarded as truth. - Confuci
  Thoughts for the week:   April 24  STRIVING FOR PERFECTION What of the man who is conscious of considerable moral imperfection, perhaps of the habit of grave sin, and is at the same time sincerely desirous of spiritual growth? Is he to relinquish the quest for spiritual knowledge until he has first reformed his conduct? By no means. As a matter of fact any attempt to improve himself morally without spiritual aid is foredoomed to failure. The thing to do is to pray regularly and to throw the responsibility for success upon God. The man must carry on, no matter how many times he may fail. Let him keep affirming that God is helping him, and that his own real nature is spiritual and perfect. In this way moral regeneration and spiritual unfoldment will go hand in hand. Around the Year with Emmet Fox  (Excerpt) April 26 Ceaseless activity is not God's plan for your life. Times of withdrawal for renewed strength are always necessary. Wait for the faintest tremor of fear and stop all wor
  Saturday speaker link - Peter M. Finding Freedom, Healing and Happiness (2017):
This week's Throwback Thursday history link, from, a presentation on Long Timers Day at Stepping Stones, October 2, 1982, hosted by Lois Wilson:
  This week's literature link, an early 1960's talk by Tom Powers, who helped edit the Twelve and Twelve and Big Book 2nd Edition:
  Thoughts for the week:    April 18 I should strive for a friendliness and helpfulness that will affect all who come near to me. I should try to see something to love in them. I should welcome them, bestow little courtesies and understandings on them, and help them if they ask for help. I must send no one away without a word of cheer, a feeling that I really care about them. God may have put the impulse in some despairing one's mind to come to me. I must not fail God by repulsing that person. They may not want to communicate with me unless they are sure of a warm welcome. 24 Hours a Day April 20  CITY OF LIGHT Never try to force other people to accept spiritual truth. Instead, see to it that they are so favorably impressed by your own life and conduct, and by the peace and joy that radiate from you, that they will come running to you of their own accord, begging you to give them the wonderful thing that you have. Around the Year with Emmet Fox  (Excerpt)   April 21 I must arise fr
  Saturday speaker link - Doug R. Hope and Laughter (2017):
This week's Throwback Thursday history post: Bill W.'s close call:  " I was not too well at the time, and was plagued by waves of self-pity and resentment. This sometimes nearly drove me back to drink, but I soon found that when all other measures failed, work with another alcoholic would save the day." - Bill's Story   From William B. Schaberg's Writing The Big Book, Page 198:  
  Bill W.'s original Grapevine article introducing Tradition Four:                       Tradition Four                   Copyright © The A.A. Grapevine, Inc., March 1948                   Tradition Four is a specific application of general principles                   already outlined in Traditions One and Two. Tradition One                   states : "Each member of Alcoholics Anonymous is but a small                   part of a great whole. AA must continue to live or most of us                   will surely die. Hence our common welfare comes first. But                   individual welfare follows close afterward." Tradition Two                   states: " For our group purpose there is but one ultimate                   authority -- a loving God as he may express himself in our                   group conscience."                   With these concepts in mind, let us look more closely at                   Tradition Four. The first sentence guarantees each A
Thoughts for the week: April 11 I must learn to accept self-discipline. I must try never to yield one point that I have already won. I must not let myself go in resentments, hates, fears, pride, lust, or gossip. Even if the discipline keeps me separated from some people who are without discipline, nevertheless I will carry on. I may have different ways and a different standard of living than some others. I may be actuated by different motives than some people. But I will try to live the way I believe God wants me to live no matter what others say. 24 Hours a Day   April 12  A DOOR OPENS Change is the law of the universe. Without change, the world would not merely remain in a static state, but it would soon become stale and stagnant. Without change there would be no progress, for change is the essence of betterment. It is obvious that to do anything in a new and better way there must be a change. When a problem or condition arises in your life that indicates a change, rely upon God, an
 This week's speaker link - Step 4 by Chris R.:
 This week's Throwback Thursday A.A. history link - Joe and Charlie:
  This week's literature link - from our AA Book Club online literature study guide, an analysis of Chapter Four from the Big Book:
  Thoughts for the week: April 3  PEACEMAKERS If you should get a very strong realization of the Presence of God with you, it would make a very great and dramatic change in your character, so that, in the twinkling of an eye, your outlook, your habits, your whole life would completely change. Many such cases are on record, including cases of what used to be called “conversion.” The great essential for success in obtaining that sense of the Presence of God is that we first attain some degree of true peace of mind. Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt) April 4 You cannot help others unless you understand the person you are trying to help. To understand the problems and temptations of others, you must have been through them yourself. You must do all you can to understand others. You must study their backgrounds, their likes and dislikes, their reactions and their prejudices. When you see their weaknesses, do not confront the person with them. Share your own weaknesses, sins and temptat
  Saturday speaker link - John K Spirituality vs Religion (1988):