Thoughts for the week:


     Sit down quietly where you are not likely to be disturbed. Relax the body—and begin to think about yourself. Every time your thought wanders to something higher, bring it back gently but relentlessly. Think about the past. 

     Think over all the mistakes you have made, going right back to childhood. Think over all the opportunities you have missed and the time you have wasted. Especially think of all the occasions upon which you have been badly treated.

     In any case, think about yourself, that is the main point, and if you will keep this up faithfully for fifteen or twenty minutes, there can be no doubt about the result.

Fox, Emmet. Around the Year with Emmet Fox . HarperOne. Kindle Edition. (Excerpt)


     Treatment is a psycho-spiritual term that means knowing the spiritual truth about any person or situation. 

     If, like most people, you believe that appearances are realities and that they cannot be changed, then you cannot give a treatment. 

     Begin every treatment (no matter how many you may give) by saying: I can overcome this difficulty.

Fox, Emmet. Around the Year with Emmet Fox . HarperOne. Kindle Edition. (Excerpt)

        We now know the significance of life, we know that it is not blind 
	chance nor is it a mere display of brute forces, but that while we 
	know not definitely what the ultimate purport of life is, there is 
	something in it that makes us feel infinitely blessed in the living 
	of it and remain quite contented with it in all its evolution, with-
	out raising questions or entertaining pessimistic doubts.
            D.T. Suzuki, from The World of Zen


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