Thoughts for the week:

May 30  Rough Road

Everyone on the spiritual path has found that it happens occasionally in the early years - and not often then - that he suddenly finds himself almost or quite unable to pray. Often it seems that he cannot get any sense of contact with God. This naturally depresses him and sometime sleads to greater fear and despair.

This trouble is caused by overdoing. You have been praying too long or too hard, or you have been giving too much time to spiritual work exclusively, instead of having other interests in your life too. 

The remedy is not to struggle, but to know this dryness will surely pass, and your spiritual joy return.

Fox, Emmet. Around the Year with Emmet Fox . HarperOne. Kindle Edition. (Excerpt)

June 1 

You were born with a spark of the Divine within you. It had been all but smothered by the life you were living. That celestial fire has to be tended and fed so that it will grow eventually into a real desire to live the right way. By trying to do the will of God, you grow more and more in the new way of life. By thinking of Him, you gradually grow more like Him. The way of your transformation from material to the spiritual is the way of Divine companionship.

24 Hours A Day

June 3  What Is Your Act?

People are judged by their actions. The bad-tempered person canot possibly have 'a heart of gold' as is sometimes charitably said. A bad-tempered person has a mean, selfish heart and should get busy and change it without delay.

One who loves does not seek his own advantage. Love acts the part, and anything else is hypocrisy.

Fox, Emmet. Around the Year with Emmet Fox . HarperOne. Kindle Edition. (Excerpt)

June 4

Molding your life means cutting and shaping your material into something good, something that can express the spiritual. All material things are the clay out of which we mold something spiritual. You must first recognize the selfishness in your desires and motives, actions and words, and then mold that selfishness until it is a spiritual weapon for good. As the work of molding proceeds, you see more and more clearly what must be done to mold your life into something better.

24 Hours A Day

June 5 Only Your Own Thoughts

No matter what problem you may have to face today, there is a solution, because you have nothing to deal with but your own thoughts. As you know, you have the power to select and control your thoughts, difficult though it may be at times to do so. As long as you think your destiny is in the hands of other people, the situation is hopeless.

Fox, Emmet. Around the Year with Emmet Fox . HarperOne. Kindle Edition. (Excerpt)


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