Thoughts for the week:

June 6

According to the varying needs of each person, so does each person think of God. It is not necessary that you think of God as others think of Him, but it is necessary that you think of Him as supplying what you personally need. The weal need God's strength. The strong need God's tenderness. The tempted and fallen need God's saving grace. The righteous need God's pity for sinners. The lonely need God as a friend. The fighters for righteousness need a leader in God. You may thinkof God in any way you wish. We usually do not turn to God until we need Him.

24 Hours a Day

June 8

Your life has been given to you mainly for the purpose of training your soul. This life we live is not so much for the body as for the soul. We often choose the way of life that best suits the body, not the way that suits the soul. God wants you to choose what suits the soul as well as the body. Accept this belief and a wonderful molding of character is the result... Thus the purpose of your life is being accomplished.

24 Hours a Day

June 11  Cash That Bill!

Within you is an inexhaustible source of power, if you can but contact it. That power can heal you, and it can inspire you by telling you what to do and how to do it. It can give you peace of mind, and, above all, it can give you direct knowledge of God. That power is scientific prayer. There is no problem that prayer cannot overcome and no good thing that it cannot bring into your life.

Fox, Emmet. Around the Year with Emmet Fox . HarperOne. Kindle Edition. (Excerpt)

June 12  Use What You Have

Many people say to me, "I want to get on faster. I want more understanding." And as a rule they go on to ask for a list of books to read or some "advanced course" that they can take.

This attitude is quite mistaken. It implies that spiritual development is a question of intellectual activity - of the mere accretion of knowledge... Spiritual growth comes from putting into practice the knowledge we already possess. Instead of reading another book, read your favorite book once more and apply it more carefully than ever in your practical life.

Fox, Emmet. Around the Year with Emmet Fox . HarperOne. Kindle Edition. (Excerpt)


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