Thoughts for the week:

June 21

A truly spiritual man or woman would like to have a serene mind. The only way to keep calm in this troubled world is to have a serene mind. The calm and sane mind sees spiritual things as the true realities and material things as only temporary and fleeting. That sort of mind you can never obtaib by reasoning, because your reasoning powers are limited by space and time. That kind of mind you can never obtain by reading, because other minds are also limited in the same way. You can only have that mind by an act of faith, by making the venture of belief.

June 24

When I let personal piques and resentments interfere with what I know to be my proper conduct, I am  on the wrong track and I am undoing all I have built up by doing the right thing. I must never let personal piques interfere with living the way I know God wants me to live. When I have no clear guidance from God, I must go forward quietly along the path of duty. The attitude of quiet faith will receive its reward as surely as acting upon God's direct guidance. I must not weaken my spiritual power by letting personal piques upset me.

June 26

There is a proper time for everything. I must learn not to do things at the wrong time, that is, before I am ready or before conditions are right. It is always a temptation to do smething at once, instead of waiting until the proper time. Timing is important. I must learn, in the daily situations of life, to delay action until I am sure that I am doing the right thing at the right time. So many lives lack balance snd timing. In the momentous decisions and crises of life, they may ask God's guidance, but into the small situations of life, the rush alone.



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