Spiritual literature for Tuesday from The Way of the Fathers, edited by Mike Aquilina:

In the nature that is to enjoy God, there must be something kindred to Him who is to be partaken of.

        - St. Gregory of Nyssa

Knowing, then, the nobility we share, and how we are seedlings from heaven, let us do nothing that would put our nature to shame.

        - Nemesius of Emesa

The term happy cannot belong to him who lacks what he loves, whatever it may be; or to him who has what he loves, if it is hurtful; or to him who does not love what he has, although it is good in perfection. For one who seeks what he cannot have suffers torture; and one who has what is not desirable is cheated; and one who does not seek what is worth seeking is diseased.

        - St. Augustine

To know oneself has always been the greatest of all lessons. For, if anyone knows himself, he will know God. And, in knowing God, he will become more like him.

        - St. Clement of Alexandria

Let it be your first care not to deceive yourself.

        St. Melito of Sardis


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