Thoughts for the week:

October 11

First I must get right with other people and then I can get right with God. If I hold a resentment against someone, which I find it very difficult to overcome, I should try to put something else constructive in to my mind. I should pray for the one against whom I hold the resentment. I should put that person in God's hands and let God show him or her the way to live. [excerpt]

24 Hours a Day

October 12 God Works With Joy

Don't pray or meditate as a duty. Realize that prayer is a visit with God and should be joyous.

Neither must you pursue your secular activities as necessary duties to be gotten over, that you may return to your prayer. In the light of Truth, there are no secular activities.

You must have regular recreation or you will become stale. Recreation, also, is to be enjoyed - as an expression of God - and not as a task to prepare you to pray better. An understanding joy is the highest prayer of all.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox  (Excerpt)

October 13  Tackling That Bugbear

When what seems an especially difficult problem presents itself, many students of Truth start by thinking. "This is very serious," and then proceed to brace themselves mentally for a supreme effort; and plan to pray exceedingly "hard" in order to meet the difficulty.

All this is quite wrong. It simply builds up the difficulty into something bigger than it ever was originally. The right attitude, the one that brings Victory, is to think "God can and will solve this problem."

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

October 15

There is only one way to get full satisfaction from life and that is to live the way you believe God wants you to live. Live with God in that secret place of the spirit and you will have a feeling of being on the right road. You will have a deep sense of satisfaction. The world will have meaning and you will have a place in the world, work to do that counts in the eternal order of things. Many things will work for you and with you, as long as you feel you are on God's side. 

24 Hours a Day


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