Thoughts for the week:

October 18

Not until you have failed can you learn true humility. Humility arises from a deep sense of gratitude to God for giving you the strength to rise above past failures. Humility is not inconsistent with self-respect. The true person has self-respect and the respect of others and yet is humble. The humble person is tolerant of others' failings, and does not have a critical attitude toward the foibles of others. Humble people are hard on themselves and easy on others. 

24 Hours a Day

October 19  Prayer Is Always The Answer

Prayer is always the solution. No matter what kind of difficulty may be facing you, no matter how complicated your problem may seem - prayer can solve it. Of course you will also take whatever practical steps seem to be indicated, and if you do not know what steps to take, prayer will show you. Peayer is constantly brining about the impossible, and there is no conceivable problem that has not at some time been solved by prayer.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

October 22

Day by day we should slowly build up an unshakable faith in a Higher Power and in that Power's ability to give us all the help we need. By having these quiet times each morning, we start each day with a renewing of our faith, until it becomes almost a part of us and is a strong habit. We should keep furnishing the quiet places of our souls with all the furniture of faith. We should try to fill  our thoughts each day with all that is harmonious and good, beautiful and enduring.

24 Hours a Day

October 23  The Sunshine Of God's Love

Behind every problem or difficulty lies the Truth of Being. This means that in spite of the appearance, you must believe that divine Mind is already healing the situation...  Often we are so close to a problem that, spiritually speaking, we accept the cloudy day as a permanent state of climate, forgetting that the sunshine of divine Love and Power has never ceased to shine, although obscured for the moment.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox  (Excerpt)


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