Thoughts for the week:

January 16 God Is Soul

You are really an individuation of God. Only God can individualize Himself in an infinite number of units of consciousness, and yet not be in any way separate because God is spirit. Matter cannot be individualized. It can only be divided. So your real self,... the spiritual man, the I AM, or the divine spark as it is variously called, is an individualization of God. You are the presence of God at the point where you are.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

January 17 God Is Spirit

The sixth main aspect of God is Spirit... Spirit is that which cannot be destroyed or damaged. It is the opposite of matter. Matter wears out, but Spirit does not because Spirit is substance...

You are Spirit. Spirit cannot die and was never born. Your true self was never born and will never die. You are eternal, divine, unchanging Spirit, in your true nature. The whole universe is a spiritual creation but we see it in a limited way.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

January 17

With God's help, I will build a protective screen around myself which will keep out all evil thoughts. I will fashion it out of my attitude toward God and my attitude toward other people. When one worrying or impatient thought enters my mind, I will put it out at once. I know that love and trust are the solvents for the worry and frets of life. I will use them to form a protective screen around me. 

24 Hours a Day

January 20

I want to be at one with the Divine Spirit of the universe. I will set my deepest affections on things spiritual, not on things material. As we think, so we are. So I will think of and desire that which will help, not hinder, my spiritual growth. I will try to be at one with God. No human aspiration can reach higher than this. 

24 Hours a Day

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