Bill W's original Grapevine article introducing Tradition One:

    Tradition One

                  Our whole AA program is securely founded on the principle of 

                  humility -- that is to say, perspective. Which implies, among 

                  other things, that we relate ourselves rightly to God and to 

                  our fellows; that we each see ourselves as we really are -- "a 

                  small part of a great whole". Seeing our fellows thus, we 

                  shall enjoy group harmony. That is why AA Tradition can 

                  confidently state, "Our common welfare comes first."

                  "Does this mean," some will ask, "that in AA the individual 

                  doesn't count too much? Is he to be swallowed up, dominated by 

                  the group?"

                  No, it doesn't seem to work out that way. Perhaps there is no 

                  society on earth more solicitous of personal welfare, more 

                  careful to grant the individual the greatest possible liberty 

                  of belief and action. Alcoholics Anonymous has not "musts." 

                  Few AA groups impose penalties on anyone for nonconformity. We 

                  do suggest, but we don't discipline. Instead, compliance or 

                  noncompliance with any principle of AA is a matter for the 

                  conscience of the individual; he is the judge of his own 

                  conduct. Those words of old time, "judge not," we observe most 


                  "But," some of us argue, "if AA has no authority to govern its 

                  individual members or groups, how shall it ever be sure that 

                  the common welfare does come first? How is it possible to be 

                  governed without a government? If everyone can do as he 

                  pleases, how can you have aught but anarchy?"

                  The answer seems to be that we AAs cannot really do as we 

                  please, though there is no constituted human authority to 

                  restrain us. Actually, our common welfare is protected by 

                  powerful safeguards. The moment any action seriously threatens 

                  the common welfare, group opinion mobilizes to remind us; our 

                  conscience begins to complain. If one persists, he may become 

                  so disturbed as to get drunk; alcohol gives him a beating. 

                  Group opinion shows him that he is off the beam, his own 

                  conscience tells him that he is dead wrong, and, if he goes 

                  too far, Barleycorn brings him real conviction.

                  So it is we learn that in matters deeply affecting the group 

                  as a whole, "our common welfare comes first." Rebellion ceases 

                  and cooperation begins because it must; we have disciplined 


                  Eventually, of course, we cooperate because we really wish to; 

                  we see that without AA there can be little lasting recovery 

                  for anyone. We gladly set aside personal ambitions whenever 

                  these might harm AA. We humbly confess that we are but "a 

                  small part of a great whole."

                  Copyright © The A.A. Grapevine, Inc., December 1947

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