From Oneness: Great Principles Shared By All Religions by Jeffrey Moses:


More Blessed To Give Than To Receive

It is more blessed to give than to receive. - Christianity

The Wise Man doth not hoard. The more he giveth, the more he hath; the more he watereth, the more is he watered himself. - Toaism

In the minds of the generous, contentment is produced. - Sikhism

Thise who give in charity have lent to Allah a goodly loan. - Islam

The giving of a gift is superior to the acceptance of a gift. - Hinduism

Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. - Judaism


Better To Examine The Self

If you love others, and affection is not returned, look into your love. If you rule others, and they are unruly, look into your wisdom. If you treat others politely and they do not return your kindness, look into your respect. If your desires are not fulfilled by what you do, turn inward and examine yourself in every point. - Confucianism

First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. - Christianity

The ignorant observe other's faults, be they so little as a mustard seed. They overlook their own faults as large as bilva fruits.  - Hinduism

The faults of others we see easily; our own are very difficult to see. Our neighbor's faults we winnow eagerly, as chaff from grain; our own we hide away as a cheat hides a losing roll of the dice. - Buddhism

He who knows others is discerning; he who knows himself is wise. - Toaism

They who quarrel with others, instead of quarreling with their own hearts, waste their lives. - Sikhism

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