Thoughts for the week:

July 31

Give God the gift of a thankful heart. Try to see causes of thankfulness in your everyday life. When life seems hard and troubles crowd, then look for some reasons for thankfulness. There is nearly always something to be thankful for. The offering of thanksgiving is indeed a sweet incense going up to God throughout a busy day. Seek diligently for something to be glad and thankful about. You will acquire in time the habit of being constantly grateful to God for all His blessings. Each new day some new cause for joy and gratitude will spring to your mind and you will thank God sincerely.

24 Hours a Day

August 1 Raised Consciousness

The mountain means prayer - the elevated consciousness. We are told that the general public were not allowed to go up to Mount Sinai, but that does not mean that certain poeple were not good enough to go up. It means that if we want to go up the mountain - if we want to raise our consciousness, if we want to get closer to God - we must prepare ourselves by prayer. If we want to go up the mountain, we have to become a high priest spiritually and we must rid ourselves of our faults and weaknesses - otherwise we cannot elevate our consciousness and get our contact with God.

Moses had his revelation, and then he realized it as the experience that God and man are one. When he got that revelation, Moses brought back the laws of life, beginning with the First Commandment, as we call it.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

August 3

If you see God's purpose in many situations, it will be easier to give Him many moments of our day. Every situation has two interpretations - your own and God's. Try to handle each situation in the way you believe God would have it handled.

24 Hours a Day

August 6  Expressing What You Are

Nothing ever dies from the outside. No one can kill your character. No one can kill your peace of mind. No one can kill your business, or your reputation, or anything that is yours. You can,but nobody else can. No man or woman was ever yet destroyed from the outside.

Many people waste their lived in thinking how they are being hurt, or damages, or injured by other people; how good they could be, what marvelous things they could do, if it were not for others. So long as you believe that, you cannot progress. As soon as you know that nobody can hurt you, then you are free to overtake any mistakes, and to be and do the things you want.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox  (Excerpt)



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