Tuesday spiritual literature post - from You Are Greater Than You Know by Lou Austin:

In Anger

Anger is the handmaiden of frustration. In the heat of anger, bitter words are said; injuries are done; crimes are committed. In the prevention of anger's terrible damage, the habit of breathing out ego, breathing in God, is an immensely valuable help. Angry deeds and words are withheld when you practice the presence of God for any length of time. 

Anger is simply ego taking over. It is a very stubborn difficulty. People with a low boiling point need the help of a Power greater than their own. A quick temper can be overcome only when a sincere effort is made to submerge one's ego.

But how about righteous anger? Is that not justifiable? Anger is righteous only if it is entirely selfless. Righteous anger is never hot or uncontrollable. Righteous anger is aroused only by man's inhumanity to man. It is productive of no sudden violence or desire to harm, but only a sincere effort to mend a wrong. It is easy to be deceived on this point. Righteous anger is very rare.

It is not enough to control anger if you still burn within. This form of suppression can prove even worse than blowing off steam. You may fool yourself, but you do not fool God. He knows what you have in your heart...

True self-control is control of the lower self by the Higher Self, control of ego by God. So keep breathing out ego, and with it breathe out all the things that cling to ego: ambition, vanity, lust for power, anger, repression. Then breathe in the great loving Power, the Power that created and sustains the universe, the Power that created and sustains you. Feel this Power filling your whole being with strength and love. Reflect on the easy spontaneous way in which this Power works in the rising and setting of the sun, in the emergence of the moon and stars at night, in the planting and growth of a seed, in miracles beyond your imagination.


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