Tuesday spiritual literature post, from Hasidic Anthology by Louis I. Newman:

The Example of Self-Restraint

"Of what avail is mere study of the Torah when he who learns is contaminated by pride and temper? The good man should himself be the Torah, and people should be able to learn good conduct from observing him."

Self-Forgiveness in old age

"We often see an old man who has spent his life in excesses, imitating in his declining years the works of the pious. He does not indulge himself in food; he rises early to pray and to recite the Psalms. He imagines he has become a pious man by the performance of acts which simulate piety. But he forgets that his abstinence from food and sleep is due chiefly to his weakened desires. He becomes so self-satisfied that he 'forgives himself his own sins.' The result, however, is that he dies without true repentance. May the Lord preserve us from such a fate!"

Patience Under Annoyance

"The truly humble man is unable to feel anger. Even if he is interrupted when busy, he will show no annoyance. He always believes the other man to be more important than himself. He is like a woodchopper addressed by the King. Is it conceivable that the woodman should feel irritation against the King for being bothered when occupied with his labors?"

On Anger

1. Break your anger by compassion for the one with whom you are angry.

2. Anger and cruelty arise from a deficiency of understanding. Study the Torah to improve your          understanding.

3. He who is obsessed by anger loses his image of God.

4. Abstinence from food is oftentimes a corrective of anger.

5. Anger prevents God's abundance from descending to us.

6. He who subdues his anger achieves a good name.

7. Anger causes a man to be far from the truth.

8. An angry man cannot pray properly.

9. An angry man cannot obtain the goal to which he aspires.

10. The holiness of Palestine aids a man to break off anger, indolence and melancholy.

11. He who restrains his anger will not see his enemies rule over him.

12. Anger leads to contempt and to sin.

13. The angry man's wisdom and prominence cannot endure.

14 God loves the man who forgives his offenders and shows them not an angry face.

15. The man who is habitually obsessed by anger fails to enjoy his life and feels all the tortures of Purgatory.

16. The angry man has no respect for the Presence of God. He forgets his learning and increases folly within himself.

17. The sins of the angry man will surely outweigh his merits.

18. Anger after meals is dangerous to life.

19. Anger is injurious to health and to eyesight.

20. A well-prepared meal is an antidote to anger.

21. He who is not in the habit of complaining about people is well-beloved.

22. Falsehood and jealousy cause anger.

23. Through anger one brings upon himself trials in courts-of-law.

24. Anger shortens the days of one's life.

25. The man without anger is able to humble the arrogant.

26. If one is angry it is a sign that all his good works are for the purpose of obtaining honors.

27. One who becomes angry at a respectable poor man angers God.

28. Anger comes to the man who must bear too heavy a burden.

29. Melancholy leads to quarrels.

30. Strictness leads to quarrels.

31. Charity prevents anger.


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