Spiritual thoughts for the week:

November 13  The Use Of Intelligence

It is your duty to God to run your life on intelligent lines. God gives us as much intelligence as we can possibly need, but, unfortunately, in most cases we use very little of it.

Ask yourself today if you are really conducting your life intelligently. Are you eating and drinking intelligently? Do you select your reading intelligently? Do you spend your moeny intelligently? Do you consider intelligently the things that you hear, or do you just accept them uncritically? Do you exercise intelligence in carrying out your daily work? Do you seek to approach each new problem with intelligence instead of emotion?

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

November 14

There must be a design for the world in the mind of God. We believe His design for the world is a universal fellowship of men and women under the fatherhood of God. The plan for your life must also be in the mind of God. In times of quiet meditation you can seek for God's guidance. Many people are not making of their lives what God meant them to be, and so they are unhappy. They have missed the design for their lives.

24 Hours a Day

November 15  On Minding One's Business

It would probably be safe to say that more than half of the evil in the world is due to well-meaning busybodies who just cannot refrain from interfering. Needless to say, such people never have harmony in their own lives, for it is an invariable rule that he who minds his neighbor's business, neglects his own.

To interfere mentally in any situation involves you in the consequences just as much as would a physical interference. Of course, where it is your duty to concern yourself in any matter, you must do so - constructively and spiritually - and then the consequences to you can only be good.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

November 19

Try to raise your thoughts from the depths of the sordid and mean and impure things of the earth to the heights of goodness and decency and beauty. Train your insight by trying to take the higher view. Train it more and more until distant heights become more familiar. The heights of the Lord, whence cometh your help, will become nearer and dearer and the false values of the earth will seem farther away.

24 Hours a Day


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