From You Are God by Mary:


This is the beginning, that all things be told in their proper order as all things of God's world and universe are in their proper order. First the dawn of the day, then the sun's first glowing, the quiet time of preparation for the journey of the sun into the sea, the soft fall of night, the blanket of the world, the full darkness n which all things of creation come to realization of the vast spaces of timelessness, asleep or awake.  9

Night truly brings the full beauty and serenity of creation for the knowing to experience and be renewed through.  10

God has given each a small part of himself, that in the quiet moments of prayer the being's words can reach him and be known unto him so he may answer those prayers which are sincerely asked and rightly to be fulfilled. There is no need to shout aloud, for he quietly waits to be recognized and summoned. There is no need to bow the head or bend the knee, for he calls on no man for obeisance, only for awareness.  12


Will is the mind at its most powerful. The spiritual being cannot be overcome by the will at any time, thus proving that the material self is subservient to spiritual self when the inner being is allowed full control.    15

He can only be realized in the presence within you of serenity and happiness, in the atmosphere about you of his power and awesome size. Realize God and you will seek no definition of him, no answers to why, when and where, no explanation of your station in life or your pathway in life. Believe and you will know. Trust and you will understand. Love and you will grow. Give and you will be served.   26-27

Deep in the center of the being exists an unerring recognition of God's power in action. There are times when you look into the eyes of another human being and are lost in the depths of their mystery. This is because your self knows that being's power for what it is, but your surface has been allowed to rule for too long and too blindly. It cannot see that which it is looking directly.

Learn to understand the invisible pull exerted by certain ones in your path of life. Above all, do not mistake the animal-like magnetism exuded by those steeped in animalism. Know the true drawing by its irresistible feeling and by the mystery about the individual sending forth the vibrations. There is an arresting, unknown current too strong to be ignored by the most ignorant, opposed by the most unbelieving.    30


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