Spiritual thoughts for the week:

November 20

In these times of quiet meditation, try more and more to set your hopes on the grace of God. Know that whatever the future may hold, it will hold more and more of good. Do not set all your hopes and desires on material things. There is weariness in an abundance of things. Set your hopes on spiritual things so that you may grow spiritually. Learn to rely on God's power more and more and in that reliance you will have an insight into the greater value of the things of the spirit.

24 Hours a Day

November 23

Keep an undaunted spirit. Keep your spirit free and unconquered. You can be undefeated and untouched by failure and all its power, by letting your spirit overcome the world; rise above earth's turmoil into the secret chamber of perfect peace and confidence. When a challenge comes to you, remember you have God's help and nothing can wholly defeat you.

24 Hours a Day

November 24  Look Where You Go

Look where you are going because you will inevitably go where you are looking. Where your attention is, there is your destiny. Attention is key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate upon will come into your life.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

November 25 Lean Back On Life

Mental relaxation is just as important as right mental activity. Wise relaxation and wise activity are the balanced poles of all true action. Many people are constantly subjecting their minds to totally unnecessary wear and tear.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)


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