Spiritual thoughts for the week:

March 5

Fear is the curse of the world. Many are our fears. Fear is everywhere. I must fight fear as I would a plague. I must turn it out of my life. There is no room for fear in the heart in which God dwells. Fear cannot exist where true love is or where faith abides. So I must have no fear. Fear destroys hope and hope is necessary for all of humanity.

24 Hours a Day


Have you an open mind? Is the window of your soul open for fresh air and the sunshine of Truth to come in, or is it closed and shuttered by mental laziness or the emotional congestion that we call prejudice?

None of us knows how many fine things we have missed through being self-satisfied and cocksure. No one can be considered really intelligent who does not have a readiness to examine new ideas with an open mind.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox (Excerpt)

March 8

The joy of true fellowship shall be mine in full measure. I will revel in the joy of real fellowship now. Fellowship among spiritually minded people is the embodiment of God's purpose for this world. To realize this will bring me a new life-joy. If I share in humanity's joy and travail, a great blessing will be mine. I can truly live a life not of earth, but a heaven-life here and now.

24 Hours a Day


Never be original. Find out what is usually done and copy that.

Realize that you have nothing more to learn. This will destroy all danger of success.

Sneer at those who are more successful than yourself. Never learn from experience. Keep on doing the same fool things time after time.

Never wait to hear the other side of the story. Knowing both sides will only unsettle your mind.

Use your wit destructively. Be smart at the expense of absent people.

Around the Year with Emmet Fox  (Excerpt)





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