One Day At A Time

It is often said that we stay sober 'one day at a time.' There are several passages in our major books mentioning a similar phrase, but only one refers to staying sober on a daily basis. The rest refer to daily practice of spiritual principles, etc. There are more references to Permanent Sobriety . There is a passage in the later book Living Sober (page 6), indicating that a newcomer still facing temptation or fear of lifelong sobriety might promise himself to not drink 'just for today'.

Big Book:

“We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.”

“Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God’s will into all of our activities.”
Page 85, Into Action, Step Ten

“A kindly act once in a while is not enough. You have to act the Good Samaritan every day, if need be.”
Page 97, Working With Others

“Let the alcoholic continue his program day by day. When the time for living together has come, it will be apparent to both parties.
Page 99, Working With Others

“Both you and the new man must walk day by day in the path of spiritual progress. If you persist, remarkable things will happen.”
Page 100, Working With Others

12 & 12:

“But when we approach Step Ten we commence to put our A.A. way of living to practical use, day by day, in fair weather or foul.”
Page 88, Step Ten

“By this time, at Step Ten, we had begun to get a basis for daily living, and we keenly realized that we would need to continue to taking personal inventory, and that when we were in the wrong we ought to admit it promptly.”
Page 108, Step Twelve, summarizing Step Ten

“With each passing day of our lives, may every one of us sense more deeply the inner meaning of A.A.’s simple prayer: God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, Courage to change the things we can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Page 125, Step Twelve


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